Public presentation of the Dossier on "Research and Innovation in Portugal and Spain"
What are the decisive factors in a country's research and innovation systems? What about the links between science and business?
Now you can watch the video (only available in Portuguese) of the colloquium "Research and Innovation in Portugal and Spain" (Lisbon, 4 October).
Tiago Santos Pereira - Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra
Luis Sanz Menéndez - Institute for Public Policy, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Cláudia Sarrico - School of Economics and Management of the University of Minho and Higher Education Policy Research Centre
Manuel Mira Godinho - ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon
Joana Mendonça - President of the National Innovation Agency, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon
You can also watch the video of the round table "The Science-Companies relationship in Portugal", which closed the event on the 4th of October in Lisbon.
Moderated by Manuel Carvalho (Director of Público newspaper), it counted with the participation of:
Guy Villax - (Director of Hovione and President of Health Cluster Portugal). Rui Pereira - (Vice-President of OutSystems) Gonçalo Quadros - (President of Critical Software) Bruno Silva-Santos - (Vice-Director of the Institute of Molecular Medicine (iMM) João Lobo Antunes) Mónica Bettencourt-Dias - (Director of the Gulbenkian Science Institute) Luís Pereira de Almeida - (President of the Centre for Neurosciences and Cell Biology)
This article examines how being motivated by disease prevention (“safety”)
or pleasure promotion (“pleasure”) shapes the way people construe sexual
health and pursue their sexual goals.
Spain stands at the head of the countries of the EU-27 in the global
computation of digital society indicators (connectivity, Internet use,
etc). Portugal, however, is situated at the tail end.
Portugal, together with Denmark, is an exception within the framework of
the EU-27 and has percentages of women scientists and engineers that
slightly exceed the European average.
While the participation of female PhD holders in Portugal is situated above
the EU‑27 average in all fields of knowledge considered, in Spain the
participation of female PhD holders is situated below the European average
in the fields of art, humanities and social sciences.
What are the factors that define a country’s research and innovation
system? The first Dossier from the Social Observatory of the ”la Caixa”
Foundation analyses the case of Spain and Portugal in international