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Digital Economy and Society Index




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Health safety knowledge in Portugal and Spain

This article examines how being motivated by disease prevention (“safety”) or pleasure promotion (“pleasure”) shapes the way people construe sexual health and pursue their sexual goals.

Public presentation of the Dossier on "Research and Innovation in Portugal and Spain"

What are the decisive factors in a country's research and innovation systems? What about the links between science and business? We present the new Dossier of the Social Observatory of the "la Caixa" Foundation.


Scientists and engineers by sex

Portugal, together with Denmark, is an exception within the framework of the EU-27 and has percentages of women scientists and engineers that slightly exceed the European average.


PhD qualifications by different branches of knowledge and by sex

While the participation of female PhD holders in Portugal is situated above the EU‑27 average in all fields of knowledge considered, in Spain the participation of female PhD holders is situated below the European average in the fields of art, humanities and social sciences.

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Indicators on youth


Indicators on youth

This section presents a series of key indicators on the young population in Spain and Portugal. These indicators come from European and international databases (Eurostat and OECD).

Direct (grants) and indirect (tax incentives) goverment support for business R&D


Direct (grants) and indirect (tax incentives) goverment support for business R&D


The model of governmental support for business R&D differs between Portugal and Spain, with a predominance of indirect support in Portugal`s case and direct support in that of Spain

Eco-Innovation Index


Eco-Innovation Index


Portugal is in an intermediate situation in relation to the leading countries in environmental innovation, whereas Spain is among the leading countries.