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Public presentation of the Dossier on

Public presentation of the Dossier on "Research and Innovation in Portugal and Spain"

What are the decisive factors in a country's research and innovation systems? What about the links between science and business? We present the new Dossier of the Social Observatory of the "la Caixa" Foundation.
“Research can’t be simply turned on and off like a tap; it requires investment in the long term”


“Research can’t be simply turned on and off like a tap; it requires investment in the long term”

Andrew W. Wyckoff, the OECD’s current director of Science, Technology and Innovation, reviews the major challenges posed by the digital transformation in the economic, social and educational sphere. 
Evolution of science and technology in Portugal and Spain


Evolution of science and technology in Portugal and Spain

Luis Sanz Menéndez, CSIC Institute of Public Goods and Policies, Madrid, Spain; Tiago Santos Pereira, Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra, Portugal;

Research and innovation in Portugal and Spain have developed along parallel paths, albeit with some distinctive features. 

Science-business links in Portugal and Spain: untapped potential for innovation?


Science-business links in Portugal and Spain: untapped potential for innovation?

Manuel M. Godinho, ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon; José Guimón, Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM); Catalina Martínez, Institute of Public Goods and Policies, Spanish National Research Council (IPP-CSIC); Joana Mendonça, IN+ Centre for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, IST, University of Lisbon;

In Portugal and Spain, only 6% of PhD holders work in the business sector. There is a broad margin for improvement in the relationship between science and business.

Innovative companies and business cooperation on R&D activities


Innovative companies and business cooperation on R&D activities


In Portugal and Spain, the proportion of innovative companies, and the degree to which these collaborate with other companies and organisations, is below the EU-27 average

Women researchers by sectors


Women researchers by sectors


Portugal and Spain are situated above the European average in percentage of women researchers in all sectors considered, although the lowest participation corresponds to the business sector and the highest, to the governmental sector.

Capacity for attracting international talent


Capacity for attracting international talent


Does Portugal attract more talent than Spain? In 2020, the attraction of international talent was situated above the European average (18.7%) in the case of Portugal (29.1%) and below the average (17.2%) in the case of Spain

Authorship of scientific publications, by sex


Authorship of scientific publications, by sex


Who publishes most: men or women? The percentage of women who publish in the STEM areas in Portugal and Spain is higher than the European average, which reflects how the proportion of women researchers in the academic sector exceeds, in turn, the European average.

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