Separador conheça os tipos de concursos

Types of calls

Asset Publisher

Social Research

Social Research
Support for research that generates knowledge on the social reality in Portugal and Spain. Projects of up to 115,000 euros, with a duration of 24 months.


Calls to support social studies that are developed in Portugal and Spain. Projects of up to 35,000 euros, with a duration of 12 months. Two calls are opened each year with a specific subject area for each one.

Opening soon

Opening soon

Asset Publisher


Flash Call to support research projects based on quantitative surveys (FP25-1B)

Social Inclusion -

The Social Observatory of the "la Caixa" Foundation is opening a call to support research projects in the social sciences based on new, quantitative-based research, with the aim of studying society as a whole, as well as the social impacts of a given phenomenon.

Open call


Asset Publisher

There are no calls open at present.

Calls for evaluation

Under evaluation

Asset Publisher


Social Research Call 2025 (SRC 2025)


The Social Observatory of ”la Caixa” Foundation launches an open and competitive call to fund excellent, innovative and socially-oriented research projects. Proposals must generate new knowledge to broaden our understanding of the major challenges of today’s society, using quantitative methods.

Subscription form for researchers in social sciences

Subscription form for researchers in social sciences

Subscription form for researchers in social sciences

Subscribe and we will inform you about our research calls in the field of social sciences.



Closed calls




Informação útil

Information of interest

Princípios de responsabilidade

Política de integridade

Política de gestão e acesso livre



Informações para projetos financiados

Information for funded projects



Brand application guidelines for projects funded by the Social Observatory of the "la Caixa" Foundation research calls



Logos of the Social Observatory and the “la Caixa” Foundation